I may not always be the most devoted Christian or claim to be, but I do read a bible verse every day. I'm not going to comment on religion, mine, nor yours, but I love what this says.

I received this when I was feeling down on my body and thinking things about myself that are unhealthy and I received and read this at the perfect time, just when I was needing it most. It is a great reminder of why I strive to have a clean diet, workout and sweat every day. Our bodies are temples and whether or not you want to honor God with your body, honor yourself. We cannot trade in our bodies, order a new one, pay for a new one. Sure, you can pay to reconstruct the outside of your body, but it is still the same body and it is so important to take care of it. Love your body right now and nourish and give to it now by eating well and exercising. Don't just do it to look good for other people or even yourself. Do it as a treat for your body and see it as a gift.
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