I usually don't have anything to ask for on my birthday,(I LOVE SURPRISES) but it is my 21st, which is kind of a big deal, sooo I am going to list some material things that I would be down with.
If you know me....anything handmade, vintage/antique, or something with a story is always a winner for me
-my mom and I recently found this bomb ass 3d turtle stencil used to screen print fabric. It was framed and really awesome, but unfortunately, also pricey.
As for specifics....
-Tibetan Singing Bowl...I just think that it is really cool looking and I like the intention behind it.
-Any mineral or stone with a cool meaning or intention, such as a Poppy Jasper Stone. I really like the pyramid, flat oval drop, and a slab would be really cool to do something with.
-Raw almond butter...mainly because you get a deal when you buy 3 and I think the Living Tree Community is an awesome website with really pure products and dedication...check out their other nut butters, chocolates, (one is made with lavender blossoms!) and alive pestos.
- ANY of the chocolates that are a few posts below.
-Handmade pottery, but I am kind of picky so...I just really want this one awesome speckled bowl I saw at the state fair, it was so cool and an awesome shape.
- Indo Board...ebay.
Mainly I just want to be with my friends and have an absurd time just doing weird things because you are allowed to on your birthday, but my main request for the evening of my birthday, dancing. I also wouldn't mind a little karaoke. Then the next day I want to play on the beach all day and have a picnic with some lovely HEALTHY food.
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