My sister is going to be on abc family on Sunday doing interviews with the toy story 3 cast as well as zach efron during commercials of their airings of toy story 1 and 2. First of all, how cool that she is going to be on live t.v., but secondly, on the channel that I probably watch more than any other. Yes, I really love abc family shows...secret life of the american teenager, make it or break it...should I be a little embarassed? Maybe, but anyways, go Natalie! She has worked so hard and is so amazing, so I'm excited to see everything clicking for her, ESPECIALLY finding the love of her life and getting married in October, yayy!!
I love you Boodle...thank you so much for all your love and support. It means so much to you and congrats on your new blog! I can't wait to follow you :) xoxoox I'm so happy you're my maid of honor!!